One-Stop Platform for Embroidery Digitizing, Artwork, Image Editing and Virtual Samples
Embroidery Digitizing
We use the most advanced technology and equipment, as well as a number of first rate digitizers with state of art embroidery software.

Vector Art
You can simply send us your rough sketches, drawings, scanned images and/or jpegs and we will convert them into vector files.

Image Editing
We provide graphic services for image correction and image manipulation and these range from image cropping to enhancement and retouching.

File Archiving
Embroidery files are valuable. After even a few years in business, most promotional product distributors accumulate hundreds of these files.

Client Testimonials
The leader in embroidery digitizing for commercial embroidery applications since 2001.
Sharon Z @ Print Experience
I took advantage of your generous offer and had a tape made and your company's quality and service are remarkable. I usually have to struggle with the digitizing department at my embroiderer to get the tape right before it can go to the client for approval, even though we supply clean vector artwork and try not to do small text or anything too elaborate.
The tape you made was perfect the first time, and came with a sew-out! I am very impressed. I will certainly be using you for all my digitizing and also referring you to my colleagues.
Deb B @ Black Bear Promotions
Just got your recent email regarding "low price" digitizers...I'm glad you addressed this issue as they ads are hard to ignore! I've been very happy with your service and don't really feel the need or more importantly the desire to change. You've been a good supplier and I am happy to continue using your services. I've always been a believer in ..You get what you pay for! So, thanks again for the great service you provide.
Dale D @ Jack Nadel, International
I wanted to share with you the incredible services of Fast Embroidery – know I’ve done this before, but I cannot say enough about the professionalism and the strong “I CARE” attitude. They always have been wonderful, but on this occasion, Ryan took an almost IMPOSSIBLE project and made it much better than I could ever have hoped, working way beyond…... I will be doing all of our tapes there from here on in – I know you’ve asked that we do all of these emails through you, but would love it if you could share with everyone in the company! He made us AND Jack Nadel, Inc. look good! Thanks!
Barbara C @ Advanced Promos
I wasn't happy that the tape took so many stitches but I have to say, I am happy that it turned out so beautifully! Everyone loved it. They love me even more because another distributor had been in to the customer's other office and took orders for shirts. He did not use the right font, plus, he did not use a digitizer who insisted on doing the job right and had far less stitches, resulting in the black shirt showing thru and making the yellow fill appear greenish! Now EVERYBODY loves me more! Guess who gets the entire job next time!! It didn't matter if the shirts cost a bit more, the people want quality. Thank you for a wonderful job and for taking so much pride in the results.
Greg S @ WinnMark Graphics
Hi, I learned this week I might get an opportunity for ball caps embroidered. I set up an online account with Fast Embroidery Tapes as I knew I needed an estimate on the # of stitches. I set up acct on 1/6 and today, on 1/7, I received a call from Paul the owner of Fast Emb Tapes wanting to thank me for giving them an opportunity and asking if I had any questions. I said "yeah!". He spent 17 minutes on the phone with me all the time knowing he has a big trip to get ready for. Vendors like these can do nothing but improve my chances. If you haven't given them a try please do so when you can. Suppliers that go to this much trouble for a wanna-be company are PRICELESS!
Susan H @ Bensussen, Deutsch & Associates
Thank you!! You did a great job working that horse over. I know it was difficult with it being so small. I've been really happy with the quality of work I've received from your company from the beginning and I've literally contracted over 800 digitized designs during my career in ASI so you must take this as a big compliment. I will recommend you to others.
Kenyon S at Kenyon Enterprises
Congratulations on the "CONDOR" PUNCH. It turned out GREAT! We knew you all could do it - Disney Quality. Anyway, here is another challenge. This logo needs to be 2.5" wide with ALL the DETAIL. We value your expertise....Thanks!
Susan M @ Print Wizards
I have used Fast Embroidery Tapes and have been happy with their service and prices. If you love web based stuff, its the way to go. They do call you when you set up an account to answer all your questions too.